Prayer Points

Prayer Points

Please pray for us to reach such people. We need people to partner with us in prayer as well as financial support to fulfill The Great Commission. In the Book of Daniel we find what God has to say about those who win the lost for His Kingdom. Daniel 12:3 “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever”. Pastor Victor Sirdar’s heart is to minister on every Continent of the World. In the natural this might seem impossible however, with God all things are possible. We encourage you to pray, support, and travel with us. Would you like to consider partnering with us by one of the three ways or any combination as the Lord leads?

  1. Prayer
  2. Financial Support
  3. Travel with Us Yours in Christ, Pastor Victor )

is here to pray for you. Whatever may be on your heart, no matter how big or small the burden, someone is waiting to stand with you in prayer.

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    Prayer Request